Details of Samsung’s various MWC 2011 wares have leaked, ahead of the company’s big reveal tomorrow evening in Barcelona. First spotted in a low-res press shot, the Samsung Galaxy S 2 (aka Samsung Galaxy S II) was caught at Paran along with some specs, before a higher-res version of the image was dug up. Meanwhile, partial specs for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 have emerged, and we’ve thrown in some info of our own on the slate after the cut.
According to the pre-announcement info, the Galaxy S 2 runs Gingerbread on a 1GHz dual-core processor, with a 4.3-inch display – presumably Samsung’s new Super AMOLED Plus panel – and HSPA+ connectivity. There’s also WiFi a/b/g/n and Bluetooth 3.0, and the whole thing is believed to be 116g and just 8.49mm thick.
As for the Galaxy Tab 2, as we heard yesterday that has a 10.1-inch screen, 8-megapixel camera with Full HD video recording, and dual surround sound speakers. According to what we’ve heard, however, Samsung is using NVIDIA’s dual-core Tegra 2 processor, not a Qualcomm or Exynos CPU, and the display is a TFT not AMOLED-type panel.
We’ve also been told it has 16GB of internal storage and a microSD card slot, and is around 200g lighter than the current iPad despite having a bigger screen (and, supposedly, a smaller bezel). Samsung is, according to the people SlashGear has been talking to, attempting to beat Motorola’s XOOM to market as the first Honeycomb slate, in Europe if not in North America, though we don’t yet know which carriers it has partnered with (if any so far). We’ll know for sure tomorrow.
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