Watch the HD video format is very convenient because it has better video quality but it is not convenient if not on watch on a large HDTV but sometimes constrained by a connection from the PC to your HDTV. Quiet because PicoHD 5.1 is probably the perfect solution to that problem.
PicoHD 5.1 is the smallest High Definition Multichannel Media Player that can play all kinds of video and audio files by simply connecting these devices to an HDTV via HDMI connection.
For example if there is a store full HD video format on your USB stick, SD card, MMC or external hard drive you just plug in the appropriate port and then a tool that is connected to an HDTV is going to play it.
And what about the TV that is not available HDMI connection does not use this tool? You do not need to worry because there are also connections through regular video and audio cable (RCA), so the TV not have HDMI connection can also use this tool.
In the sales package is also equipped with a remote, making it easier to control the Media Player this.
PicoHD 5.1 offered with reseanable price that is a price US $82.
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