Senna Tea

Senna Tea is made from infusing senna leaves. Senna the is a large genus of flowering plants in the family Fabaceae, subfamily Caesalpinioideae. This diverse genus is native throughout the tropics, with a few species reaching into temperate regions. Senna and Senna Tea primary property is as a laxative. Senna tea can be prepared with other herbs such as Ginger, Rhubarb root, Licorice root, Dandelion, white Mulberry, Fennel, Coriander, Anise and Caraway seeds.

Benefits of senna Tea

Laxative – Senna tea is used as a laxative in adults to clear up conditions such as constipation. It is very effective for people suffering from chronic constipation. Large amount of sennosides in senna tea helps to stimulate colon function as well as increase fluid secretion by the colon, making it easier for the body to loosen and pass hard stool.

Surgery Preparation – Due to its unique laxative properties, drinking senna tea can also help patients preparing for major gastrointestinal surgery by flushing out the digestive tract. Using senna to help prepare patients for bowel procedures or even major surgery proves to be up to 12 percent more effective than by using drugs such as commonly administered polyethelene glycol.

Weight Loss Tea - Some weight loss teas include senna in their herbal blends. Natural laxatives like this one may offer temporary slimming tea solution, but may also bring on serious health problems if drunk for more than 7 days. The cleansing tea reduces appetite, but it also helps food move more quickly through the intestine before all the nutrients and calories are absorbed in the body. Senna tea can be used as an initial cleansing method to rid your body of toxins and harmful waste, but then move on to other teas and foods that can become a part of your daily diet.

Expelling Intestinal Worms – Senna tea can be used to expel intestinal worms and toxins from your body.

Colonoscopy – Senna tea is useful if you need to have a colonoscopy performed on you. Drinking this tea before to your medical exam and helps to clear your intestines, which will result in a clearer and sharper image for your doctor to analyse. Ask your physician beforehand.

Side Effects Of Senna Tea

Interactions – Senna tea may cause a condition know as electrolyte imbalance(low potassium). Low potassium level can lead to changes in your heart rhythm and physical weakness. Senna tea should not be taken with diuretics that also have the same effect. Senna tea may interact with drugs called calcium channel blockers and enhance the potency of other herbs you might be taking, causing an adverse reaction.

Absorption of Nutrients – Its quick action prevents the absorption of nutrients through your colon depriving you of important minerals and vitamins.

Excessive Use - Excessive use of senna tea may result in abdominal pains, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, rash, swelling of the fingertips, weight loss and dark pigmentation in the colon. Chronic liver and kidney damage may also occur. The overuse senna may also damage the colon and rectum, making them desensitized which in turn could result in strong dependency and long-term recurring issues. Bone loss, muscle weakness and water retention are also side effects.

Pregnant women, nursing mothers or women with inflamed uterus and children should avoid drinking senna tea. People who are on medication or suffer from abdominal hernia, liver or kidney diseases, cystitis, dehydration, heart disease, anemia or blood vessel diseases, nausea, appendicitis or inflammatory intestinal disorders such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, hemorrhoids or ulcers should avoid taking senna.

In summary, the main property of Senna Tea is as a laxative. There are specific groups of people(including children) that should avoid senna and senna tea. Always consult your medical practitioner.


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