Change your to dot .tk using Blogger Custom Domain

Are you publishing your blog with Are you feeling that your long domain name like, giving you not good impression or reputation at many points of view? If your answer is yes! Then you came to right place and read out my post.

Guide to set up a Dot Tk custom domain using free DNS service:


  1. Go to website.
  2. Enter your preferred domain name with .tk extension and click Next. If entered domain is available, you will be promoted for further steps.
  3. Now it shows availability of your domain and asks whether you are continuing with free domain or not. For free domain you need to produce minimum of 25 hits per 90 days. Free domain has same services as paid domain. Select your choice and move on to next step.
  4. Enter your blogspot URL and E-Mail for the registration. Here you have to verify your Dot Tk account by email.
  5. Now log on to your Dot Tk account and expand My Domains tab on your left side menu -->> then click List My Domains and then Modify button.
  6. In drop down menu select Use Dot TK Free DNS Service and configure your DNS settings like below shown screenshot according to your domain name i.e. replace with your dot tk domain and keep all the remaining options same. Configurations methods are clearly explored below the image.

Add the host names with ip address to A-records like:
Here host name field is your Dot Tk Domain without WWW. Set CNAME records ip to and host name field to your Dot Tk Domain with WWW.


  1. Log on to your blogger account.
  2. Go to Settings and open Publishing tab in your dashboard. Now click on Custom Domain and then Switch to advanced settings.
  3. Enter your Dot Tk domain with www. Then save your settings.
  4. Note that changes will be appeared within 30 minutes. So be patient and check back your domain later. For better understanding, you can check out video tutorial : click here for Youtube video. Guys! leave your feedback here as a comment.


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