Steam Forum Hacked

Valve sent out a public note on Thursday saying that their Steam Forum has been hacked on 6 Nov 2011. The forum was defaced and the intruder obtained access to a Steam database in addition to the forums. The database contained information including user names, hashed and salted passwords, game purchases, email addresses, billing addresses and encrypted credit card information.

As a safety measure, all Steam Forum users will be required to change their password the next time they login. Forum users who reuse their username/password on other account are advised to change their password too.

There is no evidence that encrypted credit card numbers or personally identifying information were exposed. But Valve advice all customers to monitor their Credit Card activities closely.

Luckily for us, Steam accounts are not compromised as Steam and Steam Forum login are different. You can go back to your Morden Warfare 3 or Skyrim world now.


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